team+ for Gov:為工作溝通而生,更適合談公事! 2.0.5
私人訊息用LINE或FB,工作訊息就交給team+吧!第一個專為台灣職場設計的即時通訊app,公私分明的訊息管理讓日常溝通效率大幅提昇,快揪同事老闆一起使用,從此再也不用把私人的LINE或臉書帳號告訴同事囉!!完全免費的team+結合即時通訊與臉書式工作社群討論,加上「可回報進度的工作指派」與「可預約發訊的企業公告」等貼心功能,以及TLS高安全等級加密技術,任何類型的工作團隊都能安心運用team+大幅提升溝通協作力。【即時通訊:專為工作情境設計】-可一對一或群組交談 -可傳送文字、圖片、影片、文件、位置、錄音-提供「已讀/未讀名單」資訊,掌握精準狀態-中途加入交談者,均可看見先前交談內容,快速進入狀況 -專為日常工作溝通設計的表情貼圖【企業通訊錄:只限工作夥伴,公私才分明】-以公司Email註冊,就能自動將同事們聚在一起,邀請超方便! -通訊錄可分部門,方便查找-可設定常用聯絡人與群組名單【團隊社群:討論聚焦,溝通有效率】 -可依部門、專案、話題或社團,建立團隊互動社群-每個團隊皆有專屬的臉書式討論區、文件區及工作事項區-每則討論貼文均可附加照片、影片、錄音、檔案、位置-發佈貼文可選擇同步發送email 【工作管理:條理分明,易於掌握】-重要的工作指示從此不再被淹沒在龐大對話泡泡中-獨立的工作專區,快速掌握指派與待辦的工作狀態-隨時可回報工作進度與互動溝通,管理有效率 【企業公告:可預約排程的廣播系統】-可建立多個公告頻道,如總經理公告或部門公告-每組公告頻道均可自訂訊息接收名單-支援預約排程與區域位置設定,可於指定時間與地理區域發送訊息★team+雲端版註冊使用完全免費,只要具備企業網域之email就可以註冊喔!想瞭解team+更多功能或要使用網頁版,請至team+網站★team+私有雲標準版提供免費體驗方案,讓企業能以零風險方式輕鬆導入team+­,請至team+官方網站線上申請:
team+ is Right for Your Business. 【Recent Awards】: ◆2016APICTAAward Winner of Communications ◆2016 APEC Trend MicroAward◆National Innovation Award ◆Top 100 Product InnovationAward【Features】: ◆【Open API: Integration with CorporateInternalSystems】 Through integrating the API with your systems,importantmessages are received through push notifications insmartphones,letting you seize the first opportunity. ◆【Scheduling:Achievingthe Best Communication Effect】 Sending a message to therightperson at the right time can greatly improve workresults.Scheduling messages can ensure that colleagues receivemessagesduring office hours. ◆【Corporate Instant Messaging:SpecificallyDesigned for Work】 Separating private messages withwork messages,the line between work and private life is clear.Support forvarious files, including documents, location, videosandrecordings. Moreover, there are read receipts to instantlyconfirmwhether the message is received.
Team+ Pro Private Cloud
Team+ has been doubly awarded the “National Innovation Award”andthe “Top 100 Product Innovation Award”. Team+ Pro privatecloudversion is restricted to companies that havecompletedimplementation and acquired corporate authorization codefromEvery8d. To experience its complete functions, apply now forTeam+Pro, the private cloud free trial version,at Team+ ProPrivateCloud Version: Completely Upgrade Information Security andInternalCommunication! [Private Cloud Structured: Self-owned DataStorage,Full Control by Company] All messages and files are storedinsidethe company server with the highest security standards.Unifiedbackend control reduces the risk of confidentialinformationleakage. [Open API: Integration with Corporate InternalSystems]Through integrating the API with ERP, CRM, POS systems,importantmessages are received through push notifications insmartphones,letting you seize the first opportunity. [Schedulingand LBSMessaging: Achieving the Best Communication Effect] Sendingamessage to the right person at the right time and place cangreatlyimprove work results. Scheduling messages can ensurethatcolleagues receive messages during office hours. LBSmessagingallows only employees in specific areas to receivespecificmessages. [Corporate Instant Messaging: SpecificallyDesigned forWork] Separating private messages with work messages,the linebetween work and private life is clear. Support for variousfiles,including documents, location, videos and recordings.Moreover,there are read receipts to instantly confirm whether themessage isreceived. [Facebook Style Discussion Group: On-topicDiscussion,Efficient Communication] Managing through Facebook-likepostsaccording to each topic meeting and project meeting,meetingdocuments and discussion content can be passed on tootheremployees more easily. [Job Management: Clear and Easy toControl]Assign jobs in a clear fashion, interact and discussinstantly,report job progress, and control the project processanytime!Companies without servers can also use Team+! Team+ Proprivatecloud version provides the service of server hosting. Team+CloudTrial Version is only for testing. To experience itscompletefunctions, apply now for Team+ Pro, the private cloud freetrialversion, at Team+Proprivate cloud version is restricted to companies thathavecompleted implementation and acquired corporate authorizationcodefrom Every8d.
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互動回覆簡訊 1.0.5
Use interactive reply text messages to effectively manageyourimportant messages, and you can further interact with yourfavoritemerchants one-on-one. You can use text, files, pictures,stickers,and voice calls to make communication and interactionmoreconvenient and instant!